LFT Support
Feb 17, 2015
Tech of Tomorrow Demos Lust for Tone Atomics Tribute Series Guitar Pickups
So a little while back Elric Phares of Tech of Tomorrow reached out to us and asked if we'd be up for a product review of our guitar...

LFT Support
Oct 21, 2014
Kenny Rardin Demo of Lust for Tone Atomics Tribute Series Pickups
We're always asking folks for feedback as to what we can do to enhance the overall Lust for Tone experience. Some of you mentioned that...

LFT Support
Jul 29, 2014
Lust for Tone Adds More Firepower With Their Atomics Humbuckers
West Palm Beach, FL - Lust for Tone adds more firepower with the launch of their Atomics Tribute Series handmade pickups. This matched...